In Australia we had the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday 2nd of November. It's a big day of racing and on!
Well any child (Gunner, Apple, Story) should glad they didn't get any horse for a parent. Who knows what there names could have been. They are defiantly very crazy. I thought it would be fun to see, if you had to choose one of these names for your child which would it be?
- Shocking
- Crime Scene
- Mourilyan
- Master O'Reilly
- Harris Tweed
- Alcopop
- Viewed
- C'Est la Guerre
- Kibbutz
- Newport
- Daffodil
- Munsef
- Gallions Reach
- Leica Ding
- Ista Kareem
- Allez Wonder
- Capecove
- Basaltico
- Zavite
- Spin around
- Roman Emperor
- Fiumicino
- Warringah
I'm thinking "Roman Emperor"? Maybe Daffodil for normality's sake. Daffofil could be acceptable within botanical themed names.
Capecove, in the middle of course.
Harris Tweed kind of rocks.
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