Saturday, February 20, 2010



A variant of Mina the meaning of this name is LOVE. And I'm loving this name or rather Minnie as a nickname, of course (what is my obsession suddenly with nicknames!!)

I heard the name Minnie a few years ago when reading shopaholic (what a laugh!!). Becky Bloomwood calls her child this and to be honest then it was a bit of a let down (I wanted her to call the child something shopping related or some name out of this world to suit her personality!). I guess really I heard this name back when I was little, Minnie Mouse, who hasn't heard of her?

This name I think girly, pink, cute, wonderful!

As the name means I'm in love possibly,
but with most loves, for names I'm sure it will fade and their will be another one next week!
In my defence I'm still in love with the name Hester! :)

1 comment:

Miette Miel said...

I really love the name minnette. It reminds me of "miette" which I still love.